All positions that are identified as red will be considered vacant until a member is voted in at the General Board meeting or at the respective section head meeting.
PRESIDENT - Three year commitment. year one Vice President, Year two President, Year three past president.
PRESIDENT - Three year commitment. year one Vice President, Year two President, Year three past president.
Carlos Rendon TERM - (three year, Year 2 of 3) BEGIN 10/16 END 10/19 VICE PRESIDENT Erika Liebel TERM (three year, Year 1 of 3) BEGIN 10/17 END 10/20 PAST PRESIDENT SHAYLON BLACK TERM - (three year, Year 3 of 3) BEGIN 10/15 END 10/18 SECRETARY Katie Baker TERM - One year BEGIN 10/17 END 10/18 TREASURER DENNIS OHRTMAN TERM - Two years Begin 10/16 End 10/18 FRENCH SECTION Heather Youinou TERM - (determined by section) Begin 10/16 End 10/18 GERMAN SECTION Rebecca Mason TERM - two years Begin 10/17 End 10/19 LCTL SHEILA MILLER TERM - (determined by section) Begin 10/17 End 10/19 SPANISH SECTION SCOTT WATFORD TERM - (determined by section) Begin 10/16 End 10/18 PNCFL REP Carrie Rose TERM - Three years BEGIN 10/17 END 10/20 EXHIBIT COORDINATOR/ Presidential assistant (vacant) TERM- one year BOARD AGREEMENT WEBMASTER Kyle Schlagel TERM - one year BOARD AGREEMENT ARTS & HUMANITIES PEGGY WENNER Ex OFFICIO |
Official entries for board positions must be made at the general business meeting at the conference. By entering your name, you are making it known that you would like to be a part of our organization inside of the Executive Board. Your name will not be added to the official ballot until you are nominated and seconded by the general body. After all nominations have been accepted it is appropriate at that time that you may be asked to present to the general body. Why you would like to be a part of this organization? Why you should be considered for said position? At that time if it is appropriate you will leave the room so that the general body can have a discussion and vote for said position.