Registration Fees/Discounts: Early Registration ends September 25, 2017
$80 Non-Presenter Conference registration (includes conference fees, PNCFL/IATLC annual dues, and Friday's luncheon)
$70 Session Presenter Conference registration (includes conference fees, PNCFL/IATLC annual dues, and Friday's luncheon)
$50 Retired Member Conference registration (includes conference fees, PNCFL/IATLC annual dues, and Friday's luncheon)
$35 Student Conference Registration (includes conference fees, PNCFL/IATLC annual dues and Friday luncheon)
$25 PNCFL/IATLC annual dues only (for those NOT ATTENDING the conference) -- Regular member
$15 PNCFL/IATLC annual dues only (for those NOT ATTENDING the conference) -- Retired/student member
$10 Late fee if submitting this form after September 25, 2017. All fee payments may be made at the conference.
Click here for group registration.
$80 Non-Presenter Conference registration (includes conference fees, PNCFL/IATLC annual dues, and Friday's luncheon)
$70 Session Presenter Conference registration (includes conference fees, PNCFL/IATLC annual dues, and Friday's luncheon)
$50 Retired Member Conference registration (includes conference fees, PNCFL/IATLC annual dues, and Friday's luncheon)
$35 Student Conference Registration (includes conference fees, PNCFL/IATLC annual dues and Friday luncheon)
$25 PNCFL/IATLC annual dues only (for those NOT ATTENDING the conference) -- Regular member
$15 PNCFL/IATLC annual dues only (for those NOT ATTENDING the conference) -- Retired/student member
$10 Late fee if submitting this form after September 25, 2017. All fee payments may be made at the conference.
Click here for group registration.